Reincarnation, Life After Death



The Mystery of Life and Death is solvable if the student will sincerely look at the infallible evidence in nature and use his common reason. No mystery remains mysterious after its solution is known. The theologians with their reiterated orthodox teachings have compiled libraries of literature about physical and spiritual life, its possible beginning and end which only has confused and perplexed the student more than it has answered man’s most important question. No man should accept the answer to any riddle that is not within ‘reason’.

In this book Dr. Doreal compares the teachings of Reincarnation with the Laws of Divine Justice. He cites instance after instance which we see every day in nature, showing that Reincarnation is the only just, logical, and reasonable solution to the Mystery of Life and Death. He gives definite proof that Jesus taught Reincarnation. He shows how Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected again to show Reincarnation’s Law.

You will read and re-read this book, discovering new and greater realizations of Life’s Truth at each reading. You will marvel at how so many straight-forward facts about life can be contained in such simple matter-of-fact language.