Polar Paradise



Without exception, every race in the world, every religion, has somewhere or other taught that the source of man’s first beginning was in the North. This discourse will explain many of the very strange and curious beliefs that mankind has held throughout the ages.

The Ancients say that the North Polar region was, and still is, the home of the God-race. Here is a quotation from Isaiah: “I will sit upon also the mountain of the congregation in the uttermost parts of the North.” In Ezekiel’s vision we find this: “The Ideal Temple of the future had a chamber for the priests of the altar — whose prospect was toward the North.”

In the East, they speak of Northern Shamballa. That Northern Shamballa is nothing more or less than the land of the Gods of the North. In this booklet we find the complete story of this polar paradise. The story is of immense importance to us all, for from Northern Shamballa has come the World Teacher, Maitreya.