Material Inharmony and How to Overcome It



Material inharmony in the student’s life is a great barrier to his attainment. No person beset by worries and troubles, that are arising in their everyday life, is going to be able to control the conditions of the spiritual plane, much less those of the material plane.

This book shows us some of our faults, how we can eliminate them from our life, thus enabling us to create an atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth. It is an absolute fact that unless man can be freed from worries, fears and physical pains, that he cannot put the full force of his attention upon the attainment of the spiritual ideal or goal. For that reason, it is very important that we learn to control the conditions of life in which we find ourselves.

If true development is important to you, this book sheds much light on the conditions which bind us. Its keys unlock those bondages and allow the True Self to emerge as a Light of the Divine.