Treasures of Light



It is an absolute fact that those beings whom man calls masters or elder brothers exist, hidden from the world in inaccessible spots.

They have retreats from which they send forth into the world great vibrations of light and power that enable those who walk the path to contact them for the attainment of greater wisdom.

By many, Shamballa, Northern Shamballa, are looked upon as fabulous fairy tales. That is because they think that if such beings existed within these hidden retreats, that they would come out into the world and display their powers.

This booklet contains the knowledge of who these beings are and what the purpose of their Retreats are. This is no ordinary accumulation of second-hand information and hearsay, but is a record of the actual facts, which compiled by Dr· Doreal through first-hand experience, has been made accessible to those of us, the students, who value such priceless wisdom as Treasures of Light.