Golden Treatise of Hermes (Commentary)


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One of the greatest Alchemical & Hermetic Works of Antiquity with introduction and commentary by Dr. Doreal

About the Author: Hermes lived about 1900 B.C. and is celebrated for his great wisdom. According to occult tradition, he is the incarnation of Thoth-the-Atlantean from The Emerald Tablets. Hermes, the Thrice Great (meaning this was his third incarnation since Thoth) had accomplished, and was master of, the transmutation process known as Alchemy.

About the Works: The Golden Treatise and the Smaragdine Table are considered some of the most ancient and complete records of the alchemical art. It is very rare in English versions and is not readily accessible to the average student. Mystical and symbolical as it appears, it is yet a complete exposition of the secrets of Alchemistry.

About the Commentary: Dr. Doreal provides a masterful interpretation, paragraph by paragraph, of this work of Hermes. Careful reading with much meditation will help the reader to arrive at an understanding of the quality of alchemistry otherwise unobtainable.