Creation and the Fall of Man



Why was man created? Man was created for transmuting or harmonizing of that same negative force that was responsible for the fall of man. A lot of people wonder why the race of man was ever created. Dr. Doreal answers why in this book. He explains the work man did before he fell.

The Biblical account of the fall of man is somewhat difficult for the student to picture with its symbology. Doreal explains just what happened during that time when the Souls fell from Oneness with God. He shows a picture of the times in the First Cycle when man first came into the animal body and why this transplantation of the soul was necessary.

The original man was quite different from modern man. He had organs and a method of life which is not known at all in these times . This book uncovers the secrets of the Primal Man and shows us, through a picture of our original Godship, the place man should hold in the Cosmic scheme of things.