Symbolism of the Great Seal for the United States



This very inspiring and extraordinary explanation of the Great Seal of the United States embodies a most astounding prophecy. The early American founders knew considerably more about Occultism and the Ancient Mystery teachings of Divine Law than is commonly recognized. They have embodied their vision for the rise of the American people into a perfected nation of the Brotherhood of Man, and have predicted its ascension into a Golden Age with the symbols which are inscribed on the Great American Seal.

America was destined from the beginning to play a very important and Spiritual role in the future history of the world. Its founding and growth into becoming the “Promised Land” or Christ-kingdom was prophesied by the Elder Brothers of Wisdom of Ancient Lore. The time is almost at hand when the great crisis, which has been predicted, will come; a time when the American people must prepare for ascending into the Greater Life of the Utopian Age.

If you have not learned of the role which America is to play in the coming events of the world, you have not learned of the most vital truths about your country. Send for a copy today.